Teacher and Student Resources

Program schedule

Dates to be announced soon for the 2023 season.

Ways to engage


Become involved as a class project. Take advantage of our Accelerator tools and support in whole or in part. We offer teacher and student guides.


Mount your project through a sustainability, science, or after-school club.

Service learning

We’re set up to support your Magenta House involvement as a service learning project and meet graduation requirements. 

Community group

Temples, churches, and community groups (such as Scouts) are all eligible to get their youth involved.  

Who does what?


Schedule a 20-30 min. Magenta House presentation

Enjoy the brainstorming blitz for project innovation (½ day, virtual)

Enroll student teams in the Accelerator and check in with them during project implementation

Come to the Expo!


Form a team (any size)

Join the brainstorming blitz (½ day, virtual) to generate amazing project ideas

Enroll in the Accelerator and build out your project with Accelerator support

Showcase at the Expo!

Magenta House team

Conduct the 20-30 min. Magenta House presentation

Wholly manage and present the brainstorming blitz (½ day, virtual)

Wholly manage, staff, and fund the Accelerator with full-range project support (from project management and templates to advisors and budget)

Wholly manage, staff, fund, and promote the Expo

Teacher/youth leader resources

Student resources

Help me help my students turn LA Magenta.

Questions? Email alexi@pandopopulus.com for more information.


For teachers, what’s the expected time commitment?
We want to make it as easy for teachers to be involved as possible, and so we handle the introductory presentation, the creative brainstorming, and the Expo to showcase student projects. We even provide a project management system to help guide and support student work along the way.  

This means that teachers may spend as little or as much time as they wish, and integrate it with their curriculum as they see fit.

Can I do this in collaboration with other faculty?
That’s a great idea! Any sort of collaboration is possible. 

What will mentors and advisors do?
Each project team is assigned a mentor, who checks in with students at specified periods during project development. 

Advisors are specialists in various areas of expertise (e.g., rain barrels, solar panels, urban gardens, etc.) who are available for project advice on an as-needed basis. Mentors will reach out to advisors for project assistance as teams may need. 

How will the $250 project budget be allocated to teams?
Teachers or youth leaders who enroll the students have ultimate say on the use of project funds. We allocate $250 per class in order to alleviate student concerns about funding their ideas.